Wednesday 29 July 2015

Peach and Cherry

Peach And  Cherry

PeachCherry smoothie recipes
Peach Cherry smoothie recipes

1.       Peach
2.       Cherry
3.       Ice

Take seed out from peach and cherry and blend it with ice garnish it with cherry.
Sweet cherry contain vitamin C, carotenoid which may help to prevent cancer they are one of the nature’s healing food it also help in reducing belly fat.  

Peach And  Cherry smoothie recipes
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Friday 24 July 2015

Virgin Pina Colada

Virgin Pina Colada

Beat the heat this summer 

Virgin Pina Colada

Pina Colada is a tropical drink made with Rum ,Coconut and pineapple but we will replace rum with full cream. This is refreshing drink loaded with the goodness of super-food "Coconut" which have enormous health benefits like it is anti fungal,anti-bacterial, skin care also helps in weight loss and it is good for our immune system its improve our immune system.

  1. Pineapple peeled and diced
  2. Coconut water
  3. Coconut milk
  4. Full cream
  5. Ice cube

Virgin Pina Colada

Blend diced pineapple with coconut milk,coconut water,full cream and ice cube .
Garnish with pineapple cube

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Green mango drink

Green mango drink

Green mango drink or Aaam panna or kairi ka pani is an Indian summer drink .Made from the boiled green mangoes this refreshing summer drink keeps you hydrated in summer also helps in digestion.

Aaam panna
Green mango drink


  1. 3 to 4 Raw Mangoes
  2. Fresh mint leaves or mint powder
  3. ½ table spoon salt
  4. ½ table spoon Indian black salt (kala -namak)
  5. 2 table spoon Sugar
  6. ½ lemon juice

Direction & pictorial 

Aaam panna
Raw mango

Aaam panna
boiled mango
To begin with boil mangoes in a pressure cooker then remove skin and blend the pulp in blender with mint leaves, sugar and salt. Strain the mixer with the help of sieve to make even drink. Add lemon juice and lot of ice if it is to be serve immediately or refrigerate it for an hour for better taste.

Aaam panna
blending n seive 

Aaam panna
Add lot of ice
Tips: Instead of fresh mint leaves you can use mint powder.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Kiwi peach smoothie

Kiwi peach smoothie

Kiwi peach smoothie

Kiwi is high in fiber and great source of vitamin E. Kiwi is a beneficial in weight loss and serve as a smart diet food as it fat free have low glycemic index which does not add to your blood sugar recommended for diabetic.

Kiwi peach smoothie
  1. 2 kiwi peeled and diced
  2. 2 peach peeled and sliced
  3. ½ lemon juice
  4. 1table spoon honey
  5. Ice cubes

Kiwi peach smoothie


 Bend kiwi, peach, honey and lemon juice in a blender blend till it become smooth.

Garnish with sliced kiwi and lemon.

Monday 8 June 2015

Water melon juice

Water melon juice

Water melon is the only fruit packed with 92 percent of water and full of antioxidant.

Water melon juice

1. Seedless water melon
2. Fresh mint leaves
3. Honey
4. Lemon
Water melon juice

Blend water melon, mint leaves with squirt of honey and lemon juice enjoy the awesome fruit juice beat the blazing summer and keep yourself hydrated without any extra calorie

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Thursday 4 June 2015

Green fruit punch

Green Fruit Punch  

Best Green fruit Punch smoothie recipe just the way you love it .

 Green Fruit Punch


  1. 1 Semi ripe Mango
  2. 1 to 2 Pears
  3. 1 Green apple
  4. 4 to 5 strawberry
  5. Mint powder
  6. Sugar or honey


Peel semi ripe mango, green apple and pear and slice into small chunks. In blender put some strawberry and all the fruits add 1table spoon sugar optional  and one table spoon mint powder and give all these a nice blend  add ice cubes serve chilled garnish with sliced strawberry .

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Thursday 21 May 2015

Saffron Mango Smoothie

Saffron Mango Smoothie /Lassi

Summer season mango season much loved fruit of all.

Saffron Mango Smoothie lassi
Saffron and Mango smoothie

We can make so many things from mango so here cookinstantfood bring you yummy and lip-smacking mango smoothie recipe.

Saffron Mango Smoothie Lassi
yoghurt and mango

  • 1 Ripe Mango
  • Few filament of Saffron/Kesar
  • 4 to 5 Cashew nuts
  • Sugar/honey
  • Cardamom powder
  • Yoghurt 


Peel mangos and slice them, Soak few saffron in water. In a blender put fresh yoghurt 1table spoon sugar, soaked saffron, cashews, pinch of cardamom power and give all these a nice blend keep it in the refrigerator for half an hour serve chilled.

Saffron Mango Smoothie
  • Tips: Use fresh yoghurt for better taste.
  • If you are heath conscious replace sugar with honey and use fat free or low fat yoghurt.
  • Deep fridge the extra smoothie and can be eaten as frozen mango flavor yoghurt .

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Redgrapes and mint

Redgrapes and mint Drink

Bubbly sparkling non-alcoholic party drink  

Redgrapes and mint Drink
Redgrapes and mint Drink


·         1 Glass ( 200ml )Red grapes juice freshly extracted
·         2 table spoon Lemon juice  
·         Mint leaves
·         Carbonated  drink preferred sprite
·         Ice cubes


In a blender blend red grapes juice, lemon juice and fresh mint leaves with ice cubes once blended add carbonated drink before serving garnish with lemon and grapes. 

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Mojito - Nonalcoholic

Mojito - Nonalcoholic

Mojito - Nonalcoholic
Mojito - Nonalcoholic
  • Lime juice
  • Lime cut into chunk
  • 1 teaspoon superfine sugar
  • Few leaves mint
  • club soda/sprite
  • Glass Pitcher 
  • Ice cubes

Put four chunk of lemon into pitcher add sugar and few mint leaves squish everything together to release the lime juice, Put few more mint leaves half fill the jar with crushed ice and pour club soda and sprite.

Mojito - Nonalcoholic

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Monday 5 January 2015

Fruits Salad

Fruits Salads 

Fruits Salads
Fruits salad are great source energy and can be prepared in less few minutes you can enjoy fruit salads anytime during day without thinking of gaining weight. Make it pack it and take it to your office enjoy it during the time when you have craving for junk food.


  1. 1 small bowl Red seedless grapes
  2. 1 big Mango  
  3. Papaya as per the liking
  4. Peach/plum

You can also use different combination of fruits
Like greener combination of fruits

  1. 1Green apple
  2. Half pineapple
  3. Few green grapes
  4. 1Pear
  5. 1Kiwi
  6. To add colour  use 5 to 6 Strawberries
Fruits Salads

Fruits Salads

Or make it more colourful

  1. 1 Red apple
  2. 1 ripe Mango
  3. 1 to 2 Bananas
  4. Grapes
  5. 5 to 6 Strawberries
  6. Blueberry
  7. Pomegranate
For base use  Orange juice or Sweet lime juice :
To begin with squeeze the juice out with the help of fork it is very effective way if you only need juice of just one orange or lemon.
Cut the orange in half pierce the tines of fork in the centre of orange now wiggle the fork around to release the juice.

Cut the fruits mix in the bowl add the orange juice let it soak in juice for 15 to 20 min.

Fruits Salads



Add honey to reduce the sourness of green fruits.